Tribal wars 2 night bonus
Tribal wars 2 night bonus



When the browser download is finished, the bot opens a chromium web browser window, which is. 16 + 8 due to the White Scars bonus advance speed, for a total of 24. This can take some time, depending on your internet connection. Well, White Scars have two Rites of War: The Chogorian Brotherhood (lots of. The first time you start the bot, it will download a web browser component. Run the tribal-wars-2-farmbot.exe program. Bonus villages: Bonus villages enabled : Time frame for cancelling attacks: 10 minutes: Time frame for cancelling transports: 5 minutes: Night bonus: Inactive : Protection for beginners: 3 days : Max attack ratio (attacker:defender) Inactive : Flags. Where I am from there is not even a server to play on. The extraction will give you a file named tribal-wars-2-farmbot.exe. Forge of Empires Strategy through the ages. On some worlds, there is a night bonus active for a couple of hours each day. The bonus I mentioned raiser defender's overall defensive ability by 100 and in late game, that turns a nuke into nothing at all. During this time defenders get a special 'Bonus' from attackers. It lasts until 8:00 server time which is 8:00Am in the UK. Some players on here seem greedy wanting only set times when there are players from all around he world and not all night bonuses suit specific times. In Tribal Wars 2 you always have questlines shown here instead of single quests. Night bonus turns on at 00:00 server time which is 12:00Am in the UK. With account sit in and co playing Iy makes this idea kinda pointless.īut it is a good idea to have different times then just one. I think if night bonus is to continue you counter by taking out account sitting making it night bonus only to protect you. Night bonus: Active from 24:00 until 8:00. Home-Rules-World Info-Speed Rounds-Support-Help-Forum-Select view.


Players now have co players specially on bigger worlds and there is the option of account sitting so if a player is offline they have that option to defend against attacks. Forge of Empires Strategy through the ages. I think most here forget that you can still attack in night mode it is just a higher defending bonus.īut most aggressive players find out there enemy’s online times. It is not a terrible idea as single players playing the game have a chance. The bonus does not affect scouts and only affects player villages. Mabe bring down the amount of time from 8 hours to 4 hours as it leaves only 16 hours to attack. Night bonus While the night bonus is active, the defender receives a bonus of 100 when attacked. I think this idea should be tested as the game goes.

Tribal wars 2 night bonus