Just like the first boss, the Bone Dragon floats in the air for the whole time. Strategy: With the Bone Dragon, the situation is similar to the other bosses in Starbound, it is best to fight them with a ranged weapon. Requirements to summon: Decoy Princess (50x Titanium Bar, 100x Wood Planks, 20x Fabric, 2000 Pixels) Fire explodes after it comes into contact with the surface and it leaves there flames that are capable of dealing damage to you. It is a quite big flying skeleton-dragon, whose main weapon is belching fire. The Bone Dragon is the boss assigned to the Gamma sector. The walls need to be quite tall, so that you stay out of the robot's reach. Now, you only need to climb onto the chimney and keep firing at the robot from above. Then, put the robot at the bottom, between two walls and activate him. You only need to build a small "chimney" off the single blocks of soil, stacked on top of the other on a flat area. There also is a smarter and safer method of fighting. You can also defeat the boss with melee weapons but, you need to be prepared to take additional damage from fire. Use this to conduct fire at a safe distance, while aiming at his head. The robot tends to have problems with small holes in the ground and, if he falls into one, he may be incapable of jumping out.

For that reason, it is a good idea to use the environment. Unfortunately, the boss is quite quick and you can quickly make it within the range of his flames. The safest method of fighting is to keep at a distance and fire the bow, or the firearm at the opponent. Once you find the appropriate spot for the fight, deploy the robot and activate it.
Penguin starbound full#
Before you start the battle, however, arm yourself with the full set of the Steel Armor and a steel weapon of your choice as well as the Steel Hunting Bow or a firearm. Strategy: It is one of the easiest bosses in the game. Requirements to summon: Inactive Robot (105x Steel Bar, Artificial Brain, 1650 Pixels) He attacks with regular attacks, when close, and with the flame thrower, at a distance. It looks like a big robot with his brain inside a glass jar. Is the damaged robot blocking off an attack? If there are too many opponents, try to eliminate some of them at a distance or block them off with a wall of blocks. The battle is quite long and, as long as you are avoiding the penguins, the boss himself should not be too much of a challenge. Try to stay in motion, for the whole time, to prevent being surrounded by too many minions. Keep shooting your bow at him and jump over the minions. After the boss appears, focus all of your attention on him. Once you are ready, find a relatively flat and open area and deploy the beacon. Also, you are going to need a Pulse Jump Tech, to jump over the pesky minions, which the boss sends out. Therefore, before you use the Distress Beacon, craft for yourself, at least, the full set of the Iron Armor and an Iron Hunting Bow. Strategy: Since it is the first boss in the game, and also one appearing towards the end of the introductory missions, it can be quite a problem, mainly because the players summon him to complete the mission, without proper preparation. Requirements to summon: Distress Beacon (10x Iron Bar, 2x Silver Bar, 10x Copper Bar, 100x Wood Planks, 150 Pixels) He also sends out large numbers of minions in the form of penguins with firearms. It is quite big and attacks, mainly, with laser rays, capable of destroying blocks and ground slams. This boss looks like a typical flying saucer with a penguin in the cockpit. You can summon him towards the end of the introductory missions.

The first one of the available bosses in the first sector.